Evolve and Conquer

"E&C will be a multiplayer video game (similar in play style to StarCraft and Warcraft), which allows players to experience “evolution in action” first-hand. Instead of directly teaching evolution, we make it a part of the video game such that players who wish to excel in the game would benefit by learning the concepts of evolution; for example, maintaining variation in your population (“clan”) of warriors will make it easier to adapt to and defeat a new enemy clan of warriors. In the following demonstration, we will give you a sneak peek at some of the core game mechanics."

My Role:

- Lead designer with a small team of game developers, focused on "Serious Gaming."
- Designed and implemented all levels and scripted many scenario based events to happen during level progression
- Used and wrote code for Unity's Navmesh for AI pathfinding. 
- Was introduced to tested the genetic algorithm, manipulating mutation rates to produce different genomes that would influence how the bot behaved autonomously during gameplay
- Parsed XML to save and load levels and their content
- Hooked up animations of all the creatures in the game with Mecanim
- Produced many particle effects such as meteors, tornado's, and explosions using Shuriken with Unity
- Gained experience with object oriented design by using encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism to construct AI classes and game managers.
- Coded physics interactions using collision and rigidbodies, such as fall damage, explosion force effect distance, mass of rigidbody effects if wind can push it.
- Ragdoll physics on death using Unity's joint system
- Programmed UI
- Conducted research to determine teaching strategies using game design.
- Maintained a large code base with multiple developers
- Wrote proposals for funding and spoke at conferences.

Evolve and Conquer Trailer  (youtube video)